A close up frontal vertical view of an American Bison or Buffalo (Bison bison) in golden light, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
An American Bison or buffalo standing on the frozen tundra as the ice melts into drinking water, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
3 adult American Bison or buffalo (bison bison) drink from melted ice in the later afternoon sun in Winter, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
An American Bison or Buffalo (Bison bison) bull feeding in golden grass on a sunlit morning, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
A close up of the head of an American Bison or Buffalo (Bison Bison) with a frozen face in WInter, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
A close up frontal view of an American Bison or Buffalo (Bison Bison) in WInter, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
A close up vertical headshot of an American Bison or Buffalo (Bison bison) in golden late day sun, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
A close up vertical side view of an American Bison or Buffalo (Bison bison) in the snow mixed with golden grass, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
A large group of American Bison or Buffalo (Bison bison) walking toward the camera in the frozen plains, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
An American Bison or Buffalo (Bison bison) standing on the frozen tundra and golden grass in golden light, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
A vertical Rocky Mountain spike bull Elk (Cervus canadensis) with a broken antler and eye contact, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
A close up horizontal view of an American Bison or Buffalo (Bison bison) in the snow mixed with golden grass, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
A close up side view of an American Bison or Buffalo (Bison bison) in the snow mixed with golden grass, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
A close up vertical view of an American Bison or Buffalo (Bison bison) in Winter sunwith steam coming out of nostrils , Yellowstone National Park, WY
A close up frontal vertical view of an American Bison or Buffalo (Bison bison) in the snow mixed with golden grass, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
A close up frontal vertical view of an American Bison or Buffalo (Bison bison) bull in golden light, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
A large group of American Bison or Buffalo (Bison bison) walking toward the camera in the frozen plains, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
An American Bison or Buffalo (Bison bison) family of a bull, cow and calf walking across the frozen tundra, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
A group of American Bison or Buffalo (Bison bison) walking across the frozen tundra in golden light, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
An American Bison or Buffalo (Bison bison) standing on the frozen tundra and golden grass in golden light, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
An American Bison or Buffalo (Bison bison) walking across the frozen tundra in golden light, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
A full body shot of an American Bison or Buffalo (Bison bison) feeding in the frozen tundra in golden light, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
A close up full body of an American Bison or Buffalo (Bison bison) in the frozen tundra in golden light, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
A close up full body of an American Bison or Buffalo (Bison bison) feeding in the frozen tundra in morning sun, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
A close up frontal vertical view of an American Bison or Buffalo (Bison bison) in the rain with blurred raindrops, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
A vertical Rocky Mountain bull Elk (Cervus canadensis) with eye contact in forest, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
A close up frontal vertical view of a very old American Bison or Buffalo (Bison bison) bull in golden light, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
A vertical large Rocky Mountain bull Elk (Cervus canadensis) in rut season on a hilltop bugling in early morning light, Yellowstone National Park, WY
A vertical large Rocky Mountain bull Elk (Cervus canadensis) on a mountain slope with bokeh background, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
A large Rocky Mountain bull Elk (Cervus canadensis) in rut season on a hilltop bugling in early morning light, Yellowstone National Park, WY
A large 7 point bull Rocky Mountain Elk (Cervus canadensis) in golden grass against beautiful green trees, Yellowstone National Park, WY
A large 7 point bull Elk (Cervus canadensis) in golden grass against the green forest , Yellowstone National Park, WY
2 American Bison or Buffalo standing in a row on a grassy hill with a bokeh background, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
An extreme close up of the eye and partial face of an American Bison or Buffalo (Bison bison), Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
3 American Bison or Buffalo standing in a row on a grassy hill with a bokeh background, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
Eye contact with a Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep (Ovis canadensis) eating grass in the forest, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
Eye contact with a Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep (Ovis canadensis) in a green forest, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
A close up of a Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep (Ovis canadensis) against a colorful green bokeh background, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
A Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep (Ovis canadensis) against a colorful green bokeh background, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
An American Bison or Buffalo (Bison bison) in golden grass on a sunlit morning, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
Extreme close up of the head of an American Bison or Buffalo (Bison bison) feeding in grasses, Yellowstone National Park, WY
A close up of the face of a Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep (Ovis canadensis) against a colorful bokeh background, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
A close up frontal vertical view of an American Bison or Buffalo (Bison bison) in golden light, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
A herd of American Bison or Buffalo (Bison bison) feeding in a grassy area in late day sun, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
A close up frontal vertical view of an American Bison or Buffalo (Bison bison) in golden light, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
An American Bison or Buffalo (Bison bison) bull feeding in golden grass on a sunlit morning, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
An American Bison or Buffalo (Bison bison) bull among the geothermal steam heat pots, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
A large Pronghorn buck (Antilocapra americana) in late day sunlight in a grassy field, Yellowstone National park, Wyoming
A close up vertical of a Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep (Ovis canadensis) against a colorful green bokeh background, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
An American Bison or Buffalo (Bison bison) feeding in golden grass on a sunlit morning, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
A tight shot of a single large American Bison or Buffalo (Bison bison) in the golden grasses of morning light, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
A tight shot of a single large American Bison or Buffalo (Bison bison) charging toward the camera, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
A single American Bison or Buffalo (Bison bison) with a sage brush foreground and bokeh background, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
A close up of the head of an American Bison or Buffalo (Bison bison) resting in golden grass on a sunlit morning, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
A close up of the head of an American Bison or Buffalo (Bison bison) in golden grass on a sunlit morning, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
A close up of the head of an American Bison or Buffalo (Bison bison) resting in golden grass on a sunlit morning, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
An American Bison or Buffalo (Bison bison) feeding in golden grass on a sunlit foggy morning, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming